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Askern Littlemoor Infant Academy

Askern Littlemoor Infant Academy


History Intent

It is our intention to deliver a history curriculum that builds on children’s prior learning, providing them a coherent knowledge of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. 

In KS1, pupils are taught about changes within living memory and about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally.

The pupils are also made aware of significant historical events, people and places in their own locality. The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements are also introduced to the pupils.

Our curriculum begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage where children begin to gain an understanding of the passing of time, starting with their own lives and those of their family. The curriculum then builds in complexity through Key Stage One.

Golden Threads (key substantive concepts) run through our history learning. These concepts are repeated throughout the curriculum and are continuously revisited to build understanding.


2. Civilisation (Society)

3, Trade

4. Inventions

5. Conflict (Invasion)

6. Legacy

History Implementation

We follow a pedagogical process that takes full account of the Rosenshine Principles. Throughout the year, children will engage in regular sequences of learning.

Every sequence of learning in history progresses in the same way:

● Prior learning - establish chronology, revisit concepts – eg, when did we last learn about the church, monarchy etc? (Link it)

● Establish what we will learn - you will be able to answer the question…(Learn it)

● Teach knowledge - We will know… Teachers teach through narratives, drama, video. Children need to be able to orally talk about history. (Learn it)

● Check it’ activities have been identified in each unit, which are quick five-to-ten-minute activities to help staff determine if there are any gaps in children’s learning. (Check it)

● End of unit outcomes: the children's learning outcomes are captured in a floorbook and revisited at regular intervals. (Show it & Know it)